How to Play Caribbean Stud Lets face it, Texas Holdem rules the poker world in very much the same way the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex dominated the Cretaceous period. What has gotten lost in the mix is the fact that there are games that have been staples of the casino community long before ESPN ever broadcast the World Series of Poker. One of those games that has been an attraction at nearly every gaming parlor is Caribbean Stud.
PokerStars There was an advertisement a few years back for the American film version of Godzilla. Two words dominated the were "Size Matters". This is something to remember when playing poker online. Size not only implies that the site is healthy, and trusted by a fairly large representation of the poker playing public, but it also means you will have no problem finding a game. PokerStars.com is one of the biggest online poker rooms around, and is also (not surprisingly) one of the best.
7-Card Stud When starting things off in 7-Card Stud, those of you who are used to posting blinds will have to adjust to an ante system. Instead of being able to just fold your cards for free Verde-Casino-Play.com, and only pay to play when you have a hand worth playing (except if you are the blind), just sitting down will cost you in 7-Card Stud.
Crazy Pineapple Rules The game begins with each player being dealt three cards. Once the players have their face cards, a round of betting will commence. Once the bets are in, the flop will be dealt. These are three community cards which are dealt face-up in the middle of the table.
Naked Poker Naked Poker has taken an approach toward popularity that has been used effectively by Sharon Stone, Madonna, Tiffany, Debra Gibson, and Chris Farley. When you need to get attention quickly, take your clothes off.
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