Vegas Stakes Game Review
Believe it or not, casino games existed before Texas Hold ‘Em became the “in thing,” and celebrities could be seen playing cards on television at any time during the day or night. Take for example Hal Laboratories 1993 SNES classic Vegas Stakes, which did with 16-bits what many casino games can’t do today: made a console, casino simulation that was actually fun to play.
Vegas Stakes lets you choose from five different casino games: Blackjack, Slots, Roulette, Craps and Seven-Card Stud Poker. Not only can you choose which game you want to play, you also get to choose where you want to play. That’s right, Vegas Stakes has five different casinos to choose from. For a $1 minimum bet, you can play at the Hideaway Casino, which is the least expensive; for a minimum bet of $1000, you can play at Laurel Palace, the classiest of the five casinos, which is only accessible with an invitation.
This game may not be the most realistic, it may not be the best casino game, but it makes you feel like someone important as you play. Not only do you start out with $1000, you also start out with an ‘escort.’ Play your cards right, and before you know it you’ll be rubbing elbows with society’s elite. Play poorly, however, and you’ll find yourself at the Hideaway, trying desperately to make enough scratch to move on to a decent casino.
You actually feel the ups and downs that casino gambling can provide, and that is what makes Vegas Stakes a classic. Go out and buy a used SNES, buy Vegas Stakes and ante up.